With an increasing hardship in the society, a lot of people are forced to live on the street. Many South African men, women and children living on the street are individuals and families dire circumstances forced into a homeless situation.

Some of these beloved homeless people are not only SA citizens but are foreigners who became stranded in the country and without shelter or a means of returning to their home country ended up on the street.

They only survive on gifts and provisions from benevolent members of the public, which is where Charles Edozie Ministries steps in via Sandwich With Love.


Sandwich With Love is a ministry initiative by Apostle Charles and Lady Timiza Edozie.

Every Saturday, the man of God, his wife and some volunteers in the ministry heads to the street to feed hot and very delicious sandwich to homeless people, and also encourage them with a word of prayer. Thus we fulfill what is written: "For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in." Matthew 25:35


Moments in ministry such as Sandwich With Love shouldn't pass without being captured in photos and video clips. Our Body Cam captured the images in these gallery below during our mission to feed homeless people.

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